Kurt Jean Charles

Kurt Jean Charles

Kurt Jean-Charles is an Haitian entrepreneur passionate about his country and committed to explore, promote and design innovative systems aiming objective results and positive behavioral impact.

He was born in Canada and was raised in Haiti where he obtained his master degree in Computer Science from a joint program offered by Université de Nice- Sophia Antipolis and the State University of Haiti. Before this Master degree he pursued parallel studies in Industrial engineering and Electrical engineering.

He spent a few years as software programmer and implemented a few major projects like the first phone banking system in Haiti. Then he created, in 2001, SOLUTIONS S.A., an award winning software company, that received in 2009 the Pioneers of Prosperity prize for Haiti and a distinction as one of the 10 finalists for the business competition in the Caribbean.

As CEO of SOLUTIONS S.A., Kurt defines the branding of the company as a home grown Haitian success story in-the-making, based on creativity, professionalism and responsible citizen and human values. SOLUTIONS is the first Haitian company registered as a member of the UN Global Compact and the company has demonstrated over the last years, its commitment to a set of values shared by each member of its team.

After January 12th, Kurt and his team focused all the company’s resources to design, launch and operate the Noula project (www.noula.ht) as an open source web based crisis management platform accessible to everybody through channels like a free short code call center, text messages and the internet. This platform is today adopted as the core crisis management information system of the Haitian Civil Protection Bureau and has inspired the launched of the NOULA foundation that is operating the platform and extending the usage model of the system to respond to new demand and get better prepared for future crisis.

Photo courtesy Kurt Jean-Charles