MIT Workshops on Technology-Enhanced and Open Education
Campus Henry Christophe Lemonade, State University of Haiti
Monday – Wednesday, 24-26 August 2015
Michel DeGRAFF & Vijay KUMAR (MIT)
The MIT-Haiti Initiative cordially invites you to participate in the next Technology-Enhanced and Open Education workshop, to be held on August 24-26, 2015 at Campus Henry Christophe Limonade (CHCL, UEH), Haiti. This workshop is part of a 5-year project to introduce Haitian faculty to the benefits of using active learning pedagogy, technology and Kreyòl in their classrooms.
The goal of this three-day workshop is to explore current research on learning and pedagogies related to “active learning”. Actively engaging students with the material has been shown to increase students’ motivation to learn and improve their learning outcomes. This introductory workshop will provide participants with a good pedagogical basis for creating lesson objectives, activities, and assessments in Kreyòl. This workshop will have 3 discipline tracks: mathematics, physics and biology. A second goal of this workshop is to develop discipline-related communities of practice that support use of active learning in Kreyòl in the classroom.
Specifically, by the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Describe pedagogies that promote student learning.
- Create student learning objectives for an active learning exercise
- Plan an active learning exercise.
- Specify appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies for an active learning exercise
- Articulate sources of administrative support for use of active learning in Kreyòl in the curriculum
Workshop Structure
Day 1: An introduction to active learning pedagogy as well as a panel discussion with Haitian colleagues around educational change and supporting active learning in the classroom.
Day 2: In discipline groups (mathematics, physics and biology), participants will explore the application of a theoretical framework for active learning, and develop student learning objectives as well as active learning exercises.
Day 3: Participants will be introduced to formative and summative assessment and will plan assessments to accompany their activity. Participants will present their active learning exercises to their groups.
Pedagogy Glenda Stump
Mathematics Haynes Miller and Jeremy Orloff
Physics Paul Belony
Biology Lourdes Alemán and Ruthly Francois
This workshop will have three discipline tracks: mathematics, physics and biology. Workshop participants must already have a University Degree in a field related to these three subjects. This is a key requirement since the workshops are designed to introduce and explore pedagogy, and not content in the represented subject areas. As a result, it is important that participants be already fluent with one of these disciplines.
The deadline for registration is August 7, 2015 or when all the slots are filled.