Jacky Lumarque

By | October 11th, 2010|

Jacky Lumarque Jacky LUMARQUE graduated in Mathematics (Université Toulouse III, France).  He also holds  an MBA (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France) and [...]

The Challenge for Haitian Higher Education

By | October 11th, 2010|

In the preface, Dr. Louis Herns Marcelin, describes the goals of the report on The Challenge for Haitian Higher Education as: "The goal [...]

Michèle Pierre-Louis Talks about the Importance of Rebuilding

By | October 7th, 2010|

Mme. Michèle Pierre-Louis describes the importance of rebuilding Haiti's education system and of incorporating Haitian voices and Haitian culture in the international [...]

Participants from Haiti Describe their Hopes from Collaborations with MIT

By | October 6th, 2010|

We asked participants from Haiti to describe: What projects would you like to help sustain or help initiate and develop through your participation [...]

Kurt Jean-Charles

By | October 6th, 2010|

Kurt Jean-Charles is an Haitian entrepreneur passionate about his country and committed to explore, promote and design innovative systems aiming objective results [...]

Jocelyne Trouillot

By | October 6th, 2010|

Jocelyne Trouillot was born and raised in Haiti. After graduating from Ecole Normale Superieure in her country, she went to France to [...]

Janin Jadotte

By | October 6th, 2010|

Janin Jadotte studied mathematics at the University of Montreal and at Concordia University (Montreal).  He taught matrix calculus and numerical analysis as [...]

Raymond Noël

By | October 6th, 2010|

Raymond Noël graduated in 1980 as a civil engineer from the School of Sciences of the State University of Haiti (UEH). [...]

Thierry Chérizard

By | October 6th, 2010|

Thierry Chérizard was born in Cap-Haitian, Northern Haiti, on October 26th, 1975. He grew up in this city where he went [...]

Lyonel Sanon Describes a Project of Interest to the Faculty of Applied Linguistics

By | October 3rd, 2010|

Lyonel Sanon describes the details of the joint creation of an e-learning platform for Haitian universities. The Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FLA) would [...]

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