Kreyòl-English glosses for creating and translating materials in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) fields in the MIT-Haiti Initiative:
This is a dynamic document that is being edited on an ongoing basis, thanks to feedback from MIT-Haiti workshop participants and from internet users (via email, social media, etc.). Prof. Paul Belony of the MIT-Haiti Initiative has been leading the efforts to organize and update this glossary on an ongoing basis. And we’ve benefitted from the input of more than 250 STEM faculty who have participated in MIT-Haiti workshops in Haiti since 2012. Now we very much look forward to input from Kreyòl-speaking colleagues with fluency in STEM fields, especially those with experience teaching STEM in Kreyòl.
There are two key details regarding the method and objectives of these glosses:
- We are using the term “glosses” in the technical linguistic sense where a morpheme in language X is associated with a translation-equivalent morpheme in language Y. These X<–>Y correspondences help with translation (in this case between Kreyòl and English). These are the “glosses” that we often find in articles published in scientific journals (like Language) where linguists routinely use this kind of glosses to translate examples from languages that target readers do not understand.
- This document is not a dictionary. A dictionary is a document that surveys the vocabulary that is already in use in the language. The pedagogical activities of the MIT-Haiti workshops clearly demonstrate that the vocabulary of many Kreyòl speakers, including teachers and students, have gaps in certain scientific domains. This is due to the fact, related to historical colonial and neo-colonial prejudice, that the formal teaching of STEM in Haitian schools has traditionally excluded Kreyòl in written materials. Therefore, one positive side-effect of MIT-Haiti activities (workshops in STEM, production of high-quality Kreyòl materials, etc.) is that we are enriching the language with new scientific vocabulary that can serve as an indispensable resource for teachers and students. These activities contribute to the lexical development of the language. Such development is not the goal of dictionaries whose purposes is to survey existing vocabulary—dictionaries do not introduce new terminology. This is why our inventory of glosses is dynamic. Ours is not an exercise in prescription. On the contrary, it’s an organic bottom-up process whereby we solicit contributions and feedback from teachers and students and other interested parties who use Kreyòl in scientific fields.
Many thanks to Pwòf Paul and to all the pioneer educators who are helping promote Kreyòl as indispensable instrument to open up access to quality education for all in Haiti.
Download glose_pou_stem CSV file.
AC current | kouran altènatif (AC) |
acceleration | akselerasyon |
accumulation | antipilasyon |
accuracy | egzaktitid |
acetylcholine | asetilcholin |
actions | aksyon |
active experiment | esperimantasyon w ap fè kounyea |
add more matings | ajoute plis kwazman |
add more tetrads | ajoute plis tetrad |
adenine | adenin |
adenosine | adenozin |
adiabatic compression | konpresyon adyabatik |
aerodynamics | syans ayewodinamik |
air resistance | rezistans lè |
air track | pis ayere |
allele | alèl |
alpha helix | elis alfa |
alpha particle | patikil alfa |
amino acid | asid amine |
amplification | anplifikasyon |
amplitude | anplitid |
ampmeter | anpèmèt |
analyze more tetrads | analize plis tetrad |
anandamide | anandamid |
and replica plate on: | epi plak pou replik sou: |
angle | ang |
angstrom | angstrom |
angular acceleration | akselerasyon angilè |
angular frequency | frekans angilè |
angular momentum | moman angilè |
angular speed | vitès angilè |
angular velocity | velosite angilè |
anion | anyon |
anode | anod |
anthocyanin | antosiyanin |
antibody | antikò |
aperture | louvèti, twou limyè |
arc | ark |
Archimedes' principle | prensip Achimèd |
aristae | longè antèn |
aromatic | awomatik |
at rest | nan eta repo |
atom | atòm |
atomic | atomik |
atomic mass unit (amu) | inite mas atomik (amu) |
atomic number | nimewo atomik |
atomic packing | makonn atomik |
Atwood's machine | machin Atwood |
autocollimator | oto-kolimatè |
autonomous system | sistèm otonòm |
autosomal | otosomik |
axis | aks |
backbone | chapant |
backcross | kwazman envès |
background circle | sèk nan fon |
ball-and-stick model | modèl boul ak baton |
Balmer series | seri Balmer |
bar graph | grafik ti baton |
barometer | bawomèt |
bases | baz |
basicity | bazisite |
battery | batri |
beam of light | feso limyè |
benzene | benzèn |
Bernoulli equation | ekwasyon Bernoulli |
Bernoulli theorem | teyorèm Bernoulli |
beta sheet | fèy beta |
binocular | lonnvi |
binomial series | seri binòm |
birth defects | anomali konjenital |
blackbody radiation | radyasyon kò nwa, reyònman kò nwa |
Bloom taksonomy | klasman Bloom |
bode plot | dyagram bode |
body color | koulè kò |
Bohr atom | atòm Bohr |
Boltzmann constant | konstant Boltzmann |
bonds | lyezon |
bonds translucency | transparans lyezon |
bounciness | rebondisman |
bounded orbit | òbit bòne |
Boyle's law | lwa Boyle |
Bragg rule | prensip Bragg |
Brewster's angle | ang Brewster |
buffer | tanpon |
bulk modulus | modil elastisite, modil konpresiblite |
buoyancy | flotabilite |
buoyant force | fòs flotay |
buried | ki anndan nèt |
calorimetry | kalorimetri |
cancel | anile |
capacitance | kapasitans |
capacitor | kapasitò |
carbohydrates | kaboyidrat |
carbon | kabòn |
Carnot cycle | siklaj Carnot |
case study | etid dosye (pedagojik) |
catalyst | katalizè |
cathion | katyon |
cathode | katod |
Cauchy's equation | ekwasyon Cauchy |
Celsius degree | degre Celsius |
center of mass | sant mas yo |
centimeter | santimèt |
centripetal acceleration | akselerasyon santripèt |
centripetal force | fòs santripèt |
chain reaction | reyaksyon an chèn |
Charles' law | lwa Charles |
chart | tablo, graf |
checkbox | bwat tchèk |
chemical energy | enèji chimik |
chi square analysis | analiz ki kare |
chi square test | tès ki kare |
chiral | kiral |
chiral center | pwen santral kiralite |
chirality | kiralite |
choose DNA markers to be displayed: | chwazi makè ADN ki pou afiche: |
choose experimental setup | chwazi konfigirasyon eksperimantal |
chromatic aberration | deranjman kwomatik, deranjman koulè |
circle | sèk, wonn |
circuit | sikui |
circuit breaker | brekè |
circular motion | mouvman laviwonn |
circular orbit | òbit an sèk |
circularly polarized light | limyè ki polarize an sèk |
circumcenter | sant sèk sikonskri a |
circumcircle | sèk sikonskri |
circumradius | reyon sèk sikonskri a |
circumscribed | sikonskri |
citric acid | asid sitrik |
Clapeyron equation | ekwasyon Clapeyron |
clear | netwaye (vb.), klè (adj.) |
clicker question | kesyon deklik |
coefficient of kinetic friction | koyefisyan fwòtman sinetik |
coefficient of restitution | koyefisyan restitisyon |
coefficient of static friction | koyefisyan fwòtman estatik |
coherence | koyezyon |
coil | bobin |
collimation | kolimasyon |
color | koulè |
color dispersion | dispèsyon koulè |
combustion heat | chalè konbistyon |
compass (in geometry) | konpa |
compass (in navigation) | bousòl |
complex plane | plan konplèks |
compound | konpoze (chimik) |
compute | kalkile |
concave | konkav, fouye |
concept map | chema konsèp |
condenser | kondansatè |
conjugate | konpayèl, konjige |
conjugate base | konpayèl bazik |
conservative force | fòs konsèvatif |
constant | konstant (n.), konstan (adj.) |
constructive interference | entèferans fabrikatif |
contact force | fòs kontak |
continuity equation | ekwasyon kontinite |
convergent lens | lantiy konvèjans |
convex | konvèks, bosi |
convolution | konvolisyon |
coordinates | kòdone |
Coriolis acceleration | akselerasyon Coriolis |
Coriolis force | fòs Coriolis |
coronary artery disease | maladi kowonè |
cosmic ray | reyònman kosmik |
Coulomb's law | lwa Coulomb |
count (bio) | kantite |
counting (math) | kontaj |
coupling | kouplaj |
covalent bond | lyen kovalan |
covalent bonding | liyezon kovalan |
critical angle | ang kritik |
critical point | pwen kritik |
critical pressure | presyon kritik |
critical temperature | tanperati kritik |
crosshairs | retikil |
curl | wotasyonèl, espiral, wotò |
current | kouran |
cursor | pwentè |
curvature | nivo koubi |
cyanin | siyanin |
cycle | siklaj |
cystic fribrosis | fibwoz kistik |
cytidine | sitidin |
cytosine | sitozin |
Dalton's law | lwa Dalton |
damped vibration | vibrasyon amòti |
damping time | tan amòtisman |
data set | asanblaj done |
DC current | kouran dirèk (DC) |
de Broglie wavelenght | longè ond de Broglie |
decay | dezentegre, dejenere (vb.); dezentegrasyon, dejenerasyon (n.) |
decongestant | dekonjestif |
degenerate | dejenere |
degree of polarization | degre polarizasyon |
degrees of freedom | degre libète |
del (operator) | dèl (operatè) |
density | dansite |
deoxyadenosine | deyoksiyadenozin |
deoxycytosine | deyoksitidin |
deoxyguanine | deyoksigwanin |
deoxythymine | deyoksitimidin |
deprotonate | depwotonen |
deprotonated form | fòm depwotonasyon |
depth | pwofondè |
derivative | derive |
desktop | dèstòp |
destructive interference | entèferans destriksyon |
determinant | detèminan |
dew point | pwen lawouze |
diastereomer | dyastereyomè, dyastereyoyizomè |
diatomic molecule | molekil di-atomik |
dielectric | diyelektrik |
diesel engine | motè dyezèl |
diethyl | diyetil |
differential | diferansyèl |
diffraction | difraksyon |
diffraction grating | griyaj, rezo difraksyon |
dihybrid | di-ibrid |
dihybrid cross | kwazman di-ibrid |
dihybrid Punnett square table: | echikye Punnett di-ibrid |
dihybrid sex-linked Punnett square table: | echikye Punnett di-ibrid ki asosye ak sèks |
dimer | dimè |
dimethyl fumarate (DMF) | fimarat dimetil (DMF) |
diopter | dyòp |
dipole | dipòl |
dipole moment | moman dipòl |
discrete | degrennen |
dispersion | dispèsyon |
displacement | deplasman |
distance | distans |
disulfide bonds size | gwosè lyezon disilfid yo |
disulfide bonds translucency | transparans lyezon disilfid yo |
divergent lens | lantiy divèjans |
DNA base pairs | pè baz ADN |
DNA glycosylase | ADN glikozilaz |
dominant | dominan |
dopamine | dopamin |
Doppler effect | efè Doppler |
dot (scalar) product | pwodi eskalè |
double-slit experiment | esperimantasyon sou pasaj nan 2 fant |
draft | bwouyon |
drift speed | vitès an deriv |
driven oscillation | ondilasyon ki fòse |
efficiency | efikasite |
eigenfunction | fonksyon pwòp |
eigenvalue | valè pwòp |
eigenvector | vektè pwòp |
elastic collision | kolizyon elastik |
electric field | chan elektrik |
electric force | fòs elektrik |
electromagnetic waves | onn elektwomayetik |
electromotive force | fòs elektwomotris |
electron | elektwon |
electrophile | elektwofil |
electrophilic | elektwofil |
electrostatic force | fòs elektwostatik |
electrostatic shielding | boukliye elektwostatik |
ellipse | elips |
elliptic integral | entegral elips |
elliptic orbit | òbit elips |
emission coefficient | koyefisyan emisyon |
emitter | emetè |
enantiomer | enantyomè |
energy | enèji |
energy conservation Law | Lwa konsèvasyon enèji |
energy density | dansite enèjetik |
energy diagram | dyagram enèji |
energy dissipation | disipasyon enèjetik |
energy level diagram | dyagram nivo enèji |
enthalpy | antalpi |
entropy | antwopi |
epistasis | epistazi |
epistatic | epistazik |
equally likely | menm siseptibilite |
equation | ekwasyon |
equipotential | ekipotansyèl |
equivalent capacitor | kapasitò ekivalans |
escape velocity | vitès chape poul |
estrone | estwòn |
ether | etè |
ethyl alcohol | alkòl etilik |
Euler's equation | ekwasyon Euler |
exit | sòti |
expected | prevwa |
exponential function | fonksyon esponansyèl |
exponential growth | kwasans esponansyèl |
external flux | fli ekstèn |
eye color | koulè zye |
F1 ATPase | sentaz ATP tip F1 |
Fahrenheit degree | degre Fahrenheit |
Faraday's law | lwa Faraday |
Faraday's law application | lojisyèl sou lwa Faraday |
fat | lipid (grès) |
ferromagnetism | fewomayetis |
fibroid | fibwom |
field | chan |
field lines | liy chan |
file | fichye |
finite sum | sòm delimite |
first law of thermodynamics | premye lwa tèmodinamik la |
first order | premye lòd |
fission | fisyon |
flow | sikile (vb.), sikilasyon (n.) |
flow rate | debi |
flower color | koulè flè |
flower pod position | pozisyon flè ak gous |
fluid | fliyid |
fluid flow | sikilasyon yon fliyid |
fluorescent | fliyoresan |
flux | fli |
flux meter | flimèt |
fly | mouch |
foot | pye |
football trajectory | trajektwa yon balon foutbòl ameriken |
for mating & replica plating experiments involving tetrads | pou esperimantasyon sou kwazman ak plak replik ki sèvi ak tetrad |
for mating & replica plating experiments not involving tetrads | pou esperimantasyon sou kwazman ak plak replik ki pa sèvi ak tetrad |
force | fòs |
force diagram | dyagram fòs |
formula | fòmil |
Foucault pendulum | pandil Foucault |
Fourier coefficient | koyefisyan Fourier |
four-momentum | elan-kat |
four-vector | vektè-kat |
four-velocity | velosite-kat |
free body diagram | dyagram fòs |
frequency | frekans |
Fresnel drag coefficient | koyefisyan rezistans ayewodinamik Fresnel |
friction | fwòtman |
fructose | friktoz |
fruit fly | mouch nan fwi |
fuel | kabiran |
fusion | fizyon |
galactose | galaktoz |
Galilean transformation | transfòmasyon Galileo |
gamma ray | reyon gama |
gas | gaz |
Geiger counter | kontè Geiger |
general theory of relativity | teyori relativite jeneral |
generate field vizualization | pwodui vizyalizasyon chan yo |
generator | jeneratris |
generator mode | mòd jeneratris |
genes | jèn |
genes and alleles | jèn ak alèl |
genetic crosses | kwazman jenetik |
genotype | jenotip |
genotype frequency | frekans jenotip |
genotypic | jenotipik |
glucose | glikoz |
glutamate | glitamat |
gram | gram |
graph | graf, grafik, koub |
gravitation | gravitasyon / lwa pezantè |
gravitational blueshift | dekalaj gravitasyonèl ble |
gravitational field | chan gravitasyonèl |
gravitational force | fòs gravitasyonèl |
gravitational redshift | dekalaj gravitasyonèl wouj |
graviton | graviton |
gravity | gravite / pezantè |
grid | rezo |
guanine | gwanin |
guanosine | gwanozin |
gyration | jiwèt, piwèt, palavire |
gyroscope | jiwoskòp |
half-life | demi vi |
harmonic oscillator | osiyatè amonik |
harmonics | amonik |
heat | chalè |
heat capacity | kapasite tèmik (kapasite chalè) |
heat transfer | transfè chalè (transfè tèmik) |
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle | prensip ensètitid Heisenberg |
helices | elis |
helix | elis |
help | èd |
heme | èm |
heme group | gwoup emik |
hemoglobin | emoglobin |
hemoglobin | emoglobin |
Hertz | Hertz |
heterozygous | eterozigòt |
high | byen wo |
homozygous | omozigòt |
Hooke's lwa | lwa Hooke |
horizontal | orizontal |
horsepower | puisans chwal; chwal |
how many more matings would you like to perform? | konbyen kwazman ou vle reyalize? |
how many more tetrads? | konbyen tetrad anplis? |
hydrogen | idwojèn |
hydrogen bond | lyen idwojèn |
hydrogen bonds size | gwosè lyezon idwojèn yo |
hydrogen bonds translucency | transparans lyezon idwojèn yo |
hydrophobic interaction | entèraksyon idwofòb |
hyperbola | ipèbòl |
hypothesis | ipotèz |
ICAP framework | kad konseptyèl EFAP |
ideal gas law | lwa gaz ideyal |
imaging | imajri |
impedance | enpedans |
impulse | zikòs, sakad, enpilsyon |
impulse response | repons sakad |
in phase | an faz |
inch | pous |
inclined plan | plan enkline |
index of refraction | endèks refraksyon |
individual | endividyèl |
induced current / Foucault current | kouran ki endui / kouran Foucault |
induction | endiksyon |
inductor | bobin endiksyon |
inelastic collision | kolizyon ki pa elastik |
inertia | inèsi |
inertial force | fòs inèsi |
input signal | siyal ki antre |
inscribed | enskri |
insect repellent | repilsif pou ensèk |
instantaneous | enstantane |
interface | entèfas |
internal energy | enèji nannan, enèji anndan, enèji entèn |
ionic bond | lyen yonik |
iron filings | pay fè |
irradiance | iradyans, dansite puisans |
irreversible processes | pwosede san revè |
isobaric | izoba [menm presyon] |
isochoric | izokò [menm volim] |
isocline | izoklin |
isomer | izomè |
isothermal | izotèm [menm tanperati] |
jelly bean | sirèt jelo |
Joule | Joule |
junction rule | prensip jonksyon [lwa kalfou] |
Kelvin degree | degre Kelvin |
Kepler's law of area | lwa Kepler sou sifas |
Kepler's law of orbit | lwa Kepler sou òbit |
Kepler's law of period | lwa Kepler sou peryòd |
Kepler's laws | lwa Kepler yo |
kilo | kilo |
kinematics | sinematik |
kinetic energy | enèji sinetik |
lactic acid | asid laktik |
ladder | echèl |
laminar flow | sikilasyon an lamèl |
Laplace transform | transfòme Laplace |
latent heat | chalè latan [chalè chanjman faz] |
lattice | filyè, rezo |
lattice point | pwen filyè |
law of cosines | lwa kosinis yo |
law of equal areas | lwa sou sifas egal yo |
laws of motion | lwa mouvman |
lecture | kou majistral, kou teyorik |
left click | fè klik gòch |
length | longè |
length contraction | kontraksyon longè |
lens | loup / lantiy |
Lenz's law | lwa Lenz |
lethal | mòtèl |
leucemia | lesemi |
leucine | lesin |
lift (relating to aerodynamics) | fòs volay |
light | limyè |
likelihood | siseptibilite |
line integral | entegral sou liy |
linear | lineyè |
linkage | liyezon, makonnay |
lipids | lipid |
lone pair | pè izole |
loop rule | prensip bouklay |
Lorentz contraction | kontraksyon Lorentz |
Lorentz invariant | envaryan Lorentz |
Lorentz transformation | transfòmasyon Lorentz |
lossless line | liy san fuit [liy san pèt] |
Mach number | nonb Mach |
macromolecules | makwomolekil |
magnet | leman |
magnetic | mayetik |
magnetic field | chan mayetik |
magnetic force | fòs mayetik |
magnetic strength | pèmeyabilite mayetik |
magnetism | mayetis |
magnitude | mayitid |
manual mode | mod manyèl |
mass | mas |
mate | kwaze |
mate & sporulate | fè kwazman & devlope esporèl |
mating engine | motè pou kwazman |
mating site | sit kwazman |
matings | kwazman yo |
matrix | matris |
Maxwell's laws | lwa Maxwell yo |
measuring tape | riban pou mezire |
mechanical energy | enèji mekanik |
mechanics | mekanik |
median | medyàn |
melting point | pwen fonn |
mentor | fòmatè |
metal lattice | filyè metalik |
meter | mèt |
metric system | sistèm metrik |
microscope | mikwoskòp |
micro-strip | mikworiban |
milli- | mili- |
Minkowski space | lespas Minkowski |
MKS system | sistèm MKS |
mode of inheritance | modalite eredite |
mole | mol |
molecule | molekil |
momentum | elan |
Momentum Conservation Law | Lwa Konsèvasyon Elan |
monohybrid | mono-ibrid |
monohybrid Punnett square table: | echikye Punnett mono-ibrid: |
monohybrid sex-linked Punnett square table: | echikye Punnett mono-ibrid pou yon jèn ki lye ak sèks: |
monomer | monomè |
monosaccharide | monosakarid |
morning sickness | kòkraz |
motion | mouvman |
mouse | manèt |
mouse key | kle manèt |
mud card | kat bwè pwa |
multiple regression analysis | analiz pou yon makonnay regresyon |
multiple sclerosis (ms) | sklewoz an plak |
multiplicative principle | prensip miltiplikatif |
muon | miyon |
mutant | mitan |
mutation | mitasyon |
myosin | myosin |
nano- | nano- |
negatively charged/acidic | chaje negativman/asid |
neurotransmitter | newotransmetè |
neutrino | noutrino |
neutron | netwon |
Newton's laws | lwa Newton yo |
nitrogen | nitwojèn |
non-conservative force | fòs non-konsèvatif |
non-peptide | ki pa peptid |
non-polar/hydrophobic | ki pa polè / idwofòb |
non-tetrad experiment | esperimantasyon san tetrad |
normal force | fòs nòmal |
not charged/neutral | san chaj |
nuclear energy | enèji nikleyè |
nuclear reaction | reyaksyon nikleyè |
nucleic acids | asid nikleyik |
nucleophile | nikleyofil |
nucleus | nwayo |
number of lines | kantite liy yo |
Nyquist plot | dyagram Nyquist |
observed | obsève |
offset | desantralizasyon |
offspring | pwojeniti, pitit |
Ohmic materials | materyèl Omik |
Ohm's law | lwa Ohm |
operator | operatè |
orbit | òbit |
orbital | òbital |
orthogonal | òtogonal |
Otto cycle | siklaj Otto |
out of phase | defaze |
outgrowth | tonyon |
output signal | siyal repons (siyal ki sòti) |
oxidized | okside |
oxygen | oksijèn |
paper shuffle | brasaj papye |
parabola | parabòl |
parallel axis theorem | teyorèm aks paralèl |
parameter | paramèt |
parent | paran |
partial derivatives | derive pa moso (derive pasyèl) |
particle | patikil |
particle interactions | entèraksyon ant patikil yo |
pattern | chema, modèl |
pause | poze / pòz |
pea | pwa |
pea color | koulè pwa |
pea shape | fòm paw |
peer instruction | enstriksyon ant kanmarad |
pendulum | pandil |
pentamer | pentamè |
peptide bonds translucency | transparans lyezon peptid yo |
period | peryòd |
periodic motion | mouvman peryodik |
permittivity | pèmitivite |
phase | faz |
phase change | chanjman faz |
phase diagram | dyagram faz |
phase shift | deplasman faz |
phasor | fazò |
phasor diagram | dyagram fazò |
phenotype | fenotip |
phenotype description | deskripsyon fenotipik |
phenotypic | fenotipik |
phenylalanine | fenilalanin |
phosphate | fosfat |
phospholipid | fosfolipid |
phosphorus | fosfò |
photoelectric effect | efè foto-elektrik |
photogate | baryè foton |
photogate timer | kwonomèt baryè foton |
photon | foton |
photosynthesis | fotosentèz |
photosystem | fotosistèm |
pick DNA markers to display | chwazi makè ADN ki pou afiche |
pickup coil | bobin pou deteksyon mayetik |
pie chart | grafik sektoryèl |
piston | piston |
planet | planèt |
plant height | wotè plant |
plasma | plasma |
plate on a lawn of | plak sou kouch |
platform | platfòm |
pod color | koulè gous |
pod shape | fòm gous |
polar coordinates | kòdone polè |
polar/hydrophilic | polè/idwofil |
polarization | polarizasyon |
pole | pol |
poll | sondaj |
polysaccharide | polisakarid |
positively charged/basic | chaj pozitif/bazik |
positron | pozitwon |
posterior (distribution) | distribisyon twokay |
potential difference | diferans potansyèl |
potential energy | enèji potansyèl |
pound | liv |
power | puisans |
power plant | izin elektrik |
power spectrum | espektwòm puisans |
precision | presizyon |
pressure | presyon |
primary | primè |
principal axis | aks prensipal |
principle of complementarity | prensip konplemantarite |
principle of equivalence | prensip ekivalans |
principle of superposition | prensip sipèpozisyon |
prior (conjugate) | konpayèl o pa |
prism | prizm |
probability | pwobablite |
progeny | pwojeniti, desandan, pitit |
projectile | pwojektil |
projectile motion | mouvman pwojektil |
protein | pwoteyin |
proton | pwoton |
protonate | pwotonen |
protonated | an pwotonasyon |
protractor | rapòtè |
PSI (pound per square inch) | PSI (liv pa pous kare) |
pulley | pouli |
Punnett square | echikye Punnett |
pyruvic asid | asid pirivik |
quantum dot | pwen kantik |
quantum mechanics | mekanik kantik, mekanik kwanntòm |
quaternary | kwatènè |
racemic | rasemik |
racemization | rasemizasyon |
radial acceleration | akselerasyon radyal |
radiance | ekla, radyans |
radiation | radyasyon |
radioactive decay | dezentegrasyon radyoaktif |
radius | reyon |
range | domèn |
Rankine cycle | siklaj Rankine |
rate | tarif; to |
rate law | lwa sou derive tanporèl |
ratio | rapò |
ray | reyònman |
reactance | reyaktans |
readout | afichaj |
real gas | gaz reyèl |
receiver | reseptè |
recessive | resesif |
reciprocal cross | kwazman resipwòk |
recursion relations | relasyon rekisif |
reduced mass | mas redui |
reference frame | referansyèl |
refrigeration | refrijerasyon |
regiochemistry | rejyochimi |
relative velocity | velosite relatif |
relativistic transformation | transfòmasyon an relativite |
relativity | relativite |
replica plates: | plak pou replik: |
reset | repedale / reyajiste |
reset all structures | reyajiste tout estrikti yo |
reset structure | reyajiste estrikti a |
resistance | rezistans |
resistivity | rezistivite |
resistor | rezistò |
resolving power | puisans rezolisyon; pouvwa separatè |
resonance | rezonans |
rest energy | enèji repo |
rest mass | mas repo |
restoring force | fòs restorasyon |
reversible processes | pwosede revèsib |
Reynolds number | nonb Reynolds |
right click | fè klik dwat |
ring | sèkl, bag, wonn |
RLC circuit | sikui RLK |
rocket | fize |
root mean square (RMS) | rasin kwadratik (RK) |
rotate | vire tounen |
rotating coordinate | kòdone an wotasyon |
rotation | wotasyon |
ruler | règ |
saturation | satirasyon |
scalar | eskalè |
scalar invariant | envaryan eskalè |
scalar product | pwodui eskalè |
scan | nimerizasyon, eskane, baleyaj elektwonik, skanografi |
script; scripting | eskriptaj |
seasaw prinsiple | prensip balanswa baskil |
second | segonn |
secondary | segondè |
segment | segman |
self-induced | oto-endui |
self-induction | oto-endiksyon |
series | seri |
set | asanblaj, ansanm |
sex | sèks |
sex-linked | ki asosye ak sèks; ki mare ak sèks |
sgz encryptor | kriptè sgz |
sheets | fèy |
sickle cell anemia | anemi falsifòm |
side-chain | chenn lateral |
simple harmonic motion | mouvman amonik senp |
single-slit experiment | esperimantasyon sou pasaj nan yon sèl fant |
size | gwosè |
skeletal structure | chapant estriktirèl |
slide bar | glisyè |
slit | fant |
solubility | solibilite |
soluble | solib |
sorted | ann òd |
sound | son |
sources of magnetic fields | sous chan mayetik yo |
space | lespas (pou outerspace ak espas matematik); espas (pou plas, eka) |
space-filled model | modèl ak espas ki plen |
special theory of relativity | teyori relativite espesyal |
specific heat | chalè espesifik |
spectrum, spectra | espektwòm |
speed | vitès |
speed of light | vitès limyè |
spherical mirror | miwa esferik, miwa koube |
spin | piwèt |
spin angular momentum | moman angilè piwèt |
spore | esporèl |
spot | ti tach, plaka |
spreadsheet | tablè; fèy kalkil elektwonik |
spring | resò |
spring constant | konstant rapèl |
square set | ekè |
stability | estabilite |
stable | estab |
static equilibrium | ekilib estatik |
steady current | kouran konstan |
steady state | eta estab |
stereochemistry | estereyochimi |
stereoisomer | estereyoyizomè |
sterile | esteril |
stickiness | adezif |
Stokes' theorem | teyorèm Stokes |
stored energy | enèji stòkaj |
strains | souch |
string | fil |
structures | estrikti |
subset | sou-asanblaj |
substituent | sibstitiyan |
substrate | sibstra |
sucrose | sikwoz |
sugars | sik |
summary | rezime |
superposition of forces | sipèpozisyon fòs yo |
surfaces | sifas |
tangential acceleration | akselerasyon tanjant |
target | sibl |
Taylor series | seri Taylor |
technetium | teknesyòm |
telescope | teleskòp |
temperature | tanperati |
tension | tansyon |
tensor | tansò |
tertiary | tèsyè |
testcross | tès kwazman |
testosterone | testòstewòn |
tetrad experiment | esperimantasyon tetrad |
tetrad type | tip tetrad |
tetramer | tetramè |
thalidomide | talidomid |
think-pair-share | panse-fòme pè-pataje |
thymine | timin |
time | tan |
timer | kwonomèt |
toluamide | toluiyamid |
ton | tòn |
toothpick | pik dan, ti bwa pou dan |
torque | tòday |
total flux | fli total |
tracks | pis |
trajectory | trajektwa |
transformation | transfòmasyon |
transient | rejim tranzitwa |
translucency | transparans |
transmembrane | transmanbràn |
triglyceride | trigliserid |
trimer | trimè |
true-breeding | souch-veritab |
tutorial | titoryèl |
twin paradox | paradòks marasa |
uncertainty principle | prensip ensètitid |
under pressure | anba presyon |
uniform motion | mouvman konstan |
unit | inite |
unit vector | inite vektoryèl |
unsaturation | ensatirasyon |
urea | ire |
uridine | iridin |
valine | valin |
van der waals interaction | entèraksyon van der waals |
VDW radius | reyon VDW |
vector | vektè |
velocity | velosite |
vertex | somè |
vertical | vètikal |
vibration | vibrasyon |
view | vizyalize |
view specific regions / set center of rotation... | vizyalize kèk zòn / ajiste aks rotasyon an... |
viscosity | viskozite; nivo pwès |
vitamin | vitamin |
voltage | vòltaj |
voltage drop | chit vòltaj |
voltage gain | gany vòltaj |
voltmeter | vòltamèt |
water | dlo |
water tower | chatodo |
watt | watt |
wave | onn / ond |
wave function | fonksyon onn |
wavelength | longè onn |
wax | lasi |
weight | pwa |
wild type | tip-sovaj |
wing size | gwosè zèl |
wing vein | venn zèl |
work | travay |
work function | fonksyon travay |
work-energy theorem | teyorèm travay-enèji |
worksheet | fèy egzèsis |
world line | liy mond |
x-linked | lye ak x |
x-ray | reyon x |
x-ray imaging | radyografi |
yeast | leven |
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