Raymond Noël graduated in 1980 as a civil engineer from the School of Sciences of the State University of Haiti (UEH). In 1983, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Physical Chemistry of the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse-France. He has been a lecturer for more than 25 years, and he has more than 30 years of professional experience in teaching, project management, industry and higher education. He has served for 5 years on the Executive Board of the School of Sciences (UEH). He has long been committed to the promotion of ICT use in Haiti. In November 1999, he planned and launched the post-graduate MBDS program (Master en Bases de Données et Intégration de Systèmes) in partnership with the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Back then, he was the Head Manager of two UNDP ITC-related projects. As such, Ihe made major contributions to the effectiveness of the “ht” domain management and other initiatives. Noël is a past board member of the institutional francophone networks CITEF (Conférence Internationale des Formations d’Ingénieurs et de Techniciens d’Expression Française) and CIRUISEF (Conférence Internationale des Responsables des Universités et Institutions Scientifiques d’Expression Française). Currently he’s the coordinator of cooperation program between Haiti’s State University (UEH) and all francophone universities of Belgium. After January 12, 2010, he became coordinator of UEH’s international affairs at large.
Raymond Noël
Photo courtesy Raymond Noël