MIT in Action in Haiti

By | September 30th, 2010|

Thomas Kochan, chair of the MIT faculty writes: "While the devastation in Haiti may have slipped off the front pages, colleagues at MIT [...]

OCW & Haiti: Bringing Renewable Energy to Haiti

By | September 30th, 2010|

Shigeru Miyagawa, chair of the MIT OpenCourseWare faculty advisory committee and professor of linguistics, describes how OCW has aided reconstruction in Haiti. "Just [...]

ESIH Student Interviews

By | September 27th, 2010|

Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti interviewed students about the continuation of their studies after the earthquake. Alain David LESCOUFLAIR, 3ème année, Sciences Informatiques [...]

Pi Bon Zouti Pou Nou Rebati Symposium

By | September 7th, 2010|

MIT is hosting an invitation-only symposium in late October to explore the advantages of OER & ICT in higher education. Participants will identify [...]

2010 Symposium

By | May 19th, 2010|

A group at MIT has responded to the challenge presented by the destruction of Haitian universities by the earthquake of January 12, 2010. [...]

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