March 2017: MIT-Haiti Symposium

By | July 26th, 2017|

Prof. Michel Degraff speaks with Carel Pedre at Chokarella on the last MIT-Haiti Symposium, which took place March 27-28, 2017 at the Marriott [...]

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The MIT-Haiti Initiative: An International Engagement

By | March 13th, 2017|

By: Haynes Miller I had the following dream the other night. I was getting my 10-year-old daughter ready for school. School was important: [...]

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Register for the June 2016 Workshop

By | June 6th, 2016|

MIT-Haiti Workshops on Technology-Enhanced and Open Education Université d’État d’Haïti, Campus Henry Christophe Limonade Monday–Thursday, June 13–16, 2016 MIT-Haiti/CHCL Workshop on Technology-Enhanced and [...]

MIT-Haiti Initiative: Opening up education in Haiti

By | June 1st, 2016|

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StarGenetics Tutorial 1 English

By | May 27th, 2016|

In this video, StarGenetics users will learn about the different visualizers available with StarGenetics, how to download and open the program, and how [...]


By | May 12th, 2016|

MIT and Haiti sign agreement to promote Kreyòl-language STEM education

By | May 11th, 2016|

Initiative designed to help Haitians gain technical education. Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office April 17, 2013 MIT and Haiti signed a new joint [...]

Our Team

By | May 10th, 2016|


By | May 10th, 2016|

A Voices from Haiti

By | October 11th, 2015|

Michel DeGraff: Our Word is Our Bond A VoicesfromHaiti InnerView with Michel DeGraff, MIT Linguistics Professor Children Enjoying Learning (Photo: M. DeGraf Imagine [...]

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