June 2014 Workshop: Leadership and Teamwork
Leadership and Team Workshop Objectives Why Leadership and Teams? Because if you are to participate in a larger campaign to have Haiti become [...]
MIT Sloan hosts Haitian prime minister
News Office article
MIT launching initiative to help Haiti
[NECN Business] It's been four years since a devastating earthquake hit Haiti. Now there's an initiative at MIT to help the people of [...]
MIT Sloan Executive Education Creates Leadership Initiative for Haitian Cabinet
First-of-its-Kind Program Provides Haitian Leaders with Professional Training in U.S. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MIT Sloan Executive Education, in partnership with the government of Haiti, [...]
March 2014 Workshop
MIT Workshops on Technology-Enhanced and Open Education Port-au-Prince, Haiti, March 24-27, 2014 Organizers: Michel DeGraff & Vijay Kumar We are pleased to announce [...]
Vers une utilisation des outils technologiques en créole dans l’enseignement en Haïti
Le Nouvelliste | Publié le :16 août 2013 Bertrand Mercéus merceusb@yahoo.fr Des professeurs de Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) de Boston ont mis [...]
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