Kurt Jean-Charles
Kurt Jean-Charles is an Haitian entrepreneur passionate about his country and committed to explore, promote and design innovative systems aiming objective results [...]
Jocelyne Trouillot
Jocelyne Trouillot was born and raised in Haiti. After graduating from Ecole Normale Superieure in her country, she went to France to [...]
Janin Jadotte
Janin Jadotte studied mathematics at the University of Montreal and at Concordia University (Montreal). He taught matrix calculus and numerical analysis as [...]
Raymond Noël
Raymond Noël graduated in 1980 as a civil engineer from the School of Sciences of the State University of Haiti (UEH). [...]
Thierry Chérizard
Thierry Chérizard was born in Cap-Haitian, Northern Haiti, on October 26th, 1975. He grew up in this city where he went [...]
Lyonel Sanon Describes a Project of Interest to the Faculty of Applied Linguistics
Lyonel Sanon describes the details of the joint creation of an e-learning platform for Haitian universities. The Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FLA) would [...]
FOKAL Identifies Potential Projects
FOKAL’s library program aims at assisting partner community libraries all over Haiti with funding and training in order to make them as effective [...]
Michel DeGraff Describes his hopes for MIT and Haiti
MIT Prof. Michel DeGraff describes his hopes for MIT’s involvement in helping to rebuild the educational infrastructure in Haiti. Most Haitians [...]
Professeur Jean-Marie Théodat talks about a Vision and Goals for Reconstruction of Haiti
Professeur Jean-Marie Théodat talks about a vision and goals for reconstruction of Haiti. Videographer: Prof. Michel DeGraff
Pierre-André Pierre
Pierre-André PIERRE was born in 1952 Arcahaie, Haiti, the oldest of a family of seven children. He first studied in Haiti under [...]
Yves Armand
Yves Armand is the Deputy General Director of NATCOM S.A. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from Université [...]
Nguyen Dang Trien
Nguyen Dang Trien is NATCOM’s newly appointed President and CEO. He has an Engineering degree in Electronic Telecommunication from the University of [...]
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