FOKAL Identifies Potential Projects
FOKAL’s library program aims at assisting partner community libraries all over Haiti with funding and training in order to make them as effective [...]
Michel DeGraff Describes his hopes for MIT and Haiti
MIT Prof. Michel DeGraff describes his hopes for MIT’s involvement in helping to rebuild the educational infrastructure in Haiti. Most Haitians [...]
Professeur Jean-Marie Théodat talks about a Vision and Goals for Reconstruction of Haiti
Professeur Jean-Marie Théodat talks about a vision and goals for reconstruction of Haiti. Videographer: Prof. Michel DeGraff
Pierre-André Pierre
Pierre-André PIERRE was born in 1952 Arcahaie, Haiti, the oldest of a family of seven children. He first studied in Haiti under [...]
Yves Armand
Yves Armand is the Deputy General Director of NATCOM S.A. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from Université [...]
Nguyen Dang Trien
Nguyen Dang Trien is NATCOM’s newly appointed President and CEO. He has an Engineering degree in Electronic Telecommunication from the University of [...]
Sergey Gaillard
Sergey W. Gaillard was born in Port-au-Prince Haiti in 1963. He grew up in the capital. At age 19 he worked as [...]
Symposium Information Available for Participants
We have published information about the symposium for invited participants. You should have received an email detailing how to access these protected portions [...]
Sergey Gaillard of Educatech Describes Haiti’s Needs for Digital Educational Materials
For the last 2 years, Educatech has provided for its classrooms what we call a "numeric room" that includes interactive boards, projectors, a [...]
Lyonel Sanon
English Biography Lyonel Sanon was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He completed his primary studies (1955–1962) at the School of the Brothers [...]
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