

MIT-Haiti Initiative Uses Haitian Creole to Make Learning Truly Active, Constructive, and Interactive

An MIT-Haiti Initiative to modernize and democratize education in Haiti. Until today, quality education in Haiti has been available only to very few. This is due to brutal socio-economic impediments, including a well-entrenched language barrier: French, the primary language of instruction, is spoken by a tiny élite (no more than 10% and perhaps as low [...]

By | August 21st, 2013|Featured, News|0 Comments

Go, Haiti, Go!

Credit: MIT-Haiti Initiative, Creative Commons By-NC-SA This is a video album of the visit at MIT on April 17, 2013, of Haiti's Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe and his delegation for the signing of an agreement between the MIT-Haiti Initiative ( and Haiti's Ministry of National Education and Professional Development (MENFP). The main purpose [...]

By | July 10th, 2013|News|2 Comments

Physics resources (PhET) now available in Kreyòl

PhET provides fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free. To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulation, sliders and radio buttons. In order to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations also offer measurement instruments [...]

By | June 12th, 2013|News|0 Comments

Ayiti Pare (Haiti is ready)

Credit: MIT-Haiti Initiative, Creative Commons By-NC-SA Video by George Zaidan on the MIT-Haiti Initiative which aims to develop, evaluate and disseminate Open Educational Resources in Kreyòl in order to enhance the capacity for Science, Technology, Engineering & Math ("STEM") teaching and learning in Haiti. This 6-minute video sketches the rationale, methods and aspirations [...]

By | April 23rd, 2013|News|2 Comments

MIT and Haiti sign agreement to promote Kreyòl-language STEM education

Peter Dizikes, MIT News April 17, 2013 MIT and Haiti signed a new joint initiative today to promote Kreyòl-language education in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines, part of an effort to help Haitians learn in the language most of them speak at home. “This government will make every effort to make this [...]

By | April 22nd, 2013|Featured, News|1 Comment

January 2013 Workshops

Kreyòl MIT hosted workshops on technology-enhanced and open education from January 16–19, 2013 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This is the second of a 5-year series of workshops whose main goal is to implement and evaluate faculty- and curriculum-development activities based on Kreyòl-based Open Education Resources for science and math courses in Haitian schools and universities. How [...]

By | January 1st, 2013|News|0 Comments

An MIT–Haiti Initiative Toward Active Learning for All

MIT Professor of Linguistics Michel DeGraff and Dr. M.S. Vijay Kumar of the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology presented on the MIT-Haiti Initiative at the Globally Engaged MIT Symposium on September 20, 2012. The symposium focused on how "MIT’s history of changing the world through community and global engagement has led to new collaborations, [...]

By | November 9th, 2012|Featured, News|1 Comment

MIT-Haiti team receives funding for Kreyòl-based STEM Cyberlearning

Credit: Brandon MuramatsuMichel DeGraff Michel Degraff, Associate Professor of Linguistics, is pleased to announce that the team from MIT has been successful in winning a significant five-year grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to, 'help those whose mother tongue is a language that does not include scientific and technological terminology to nonetheless learn STEM [...]

By | October 8th, 2012|News|0 Comments

MIT Visit in Le Nouvelliste

The recent workshop hosted by MIT was written about in one of the main Haitian newspapers Le Nouvelliste: Une équipe de sept professeurs du Massachussetts Institute of Technology a organisé deux journées de formation pour de 54 professeurs de biologie et de physique les 29 et 30 mars 2012. Cette initiative vise à rendre l'éducation [...]

By | April 12th, 2012|News|1 Comment

TEAL Workshops in Haiti

On March 29-30, 2012, Peter Dourmashkin, MIT, presented interactive workshops on Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) to 38 participants from Haitian schools and universities. Photo Credit: Michel DeGraff, Creative Commons Attribution License For the past ten years the Physics Department at MIT has developed a program called Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) which has [...]

By | March 29th, 2012|Featured, News|0 Comments