MIT & Haiti: The Year Ahead
Thomas A. Kochan, chair of the MIT faculty and professor of management, describes the next steps in MIT's collaboration with Haiti. "Our role [...]
MIT OCW Videos with Kreyòl
As a proof-of-concept, OCW collaborated with Université Caraïbe, Mr. Menès Dejoie (Haitian Educators League for Progress), and Professors Alfred Noël (UMass-Boston) and Michel [...]
Jacky Lumarque
Jacky Lumarque Jacky LUMARQUE graduated in Mathematics (Université Toulouse III, France). He also holds an MBA (Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France) and [...]
The Challenge for Haitian Higher Education
In the preface, Dr. Louis Herns Marcelin, describes the goals of the report on The Challenge for Haitian Higher Education as: "The goal [...]
Michèle Pierre-Louis Talks about the Importance of Rebuilding
Mme. Michèle Pierre-Louis describes the importance of rebuilding Haiti's education system and of incorporating Haitian voices and Haitian culture in the international [...]
Participants from Haiti Describe their Hopes from Collaborations with MIT
We asked participants from Haiti to describe: What projects would you like to help sustain or help initiate and develop through your participation [...]
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