Sergey Gaillard

By | October 3rd, 2010|

Sergey W. Gaillard was born in Port-au-Prince Haiti in 1963. He grew up in the capital. At age 19 he worked as [...]

Symposium Information Available for Participants

By | October 3rd, 2010|

We have published information about the symposium for invited participants. You should have received an email detailing how to access these protected portions [...]

Sergey Gaillard of Educatech Describes Haiti’s Needs for Digital Educational Materials

By | October 3rd, 2010|

For the last 2 years, Educatech has provided for its classrooms what we call a "numeric room" that includes interactive boards, projectors, a [...]

Lyonel Sanon

By | September 30th, 2010|

English Biography Lyonel Sanon was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He completed his primary studies (1955–1962) at the School of the Brothers [...]

Anton Lévy Describes Potential Projects

By | September 30th, 2010|

Anton Lévy describes four potential projects: With the advantage of having, not only a university with three campuses across Haiti, but also a [...]

Anton Lévy

By | September 30th, 2010|

Anton Lévy was born in Miami, Florida in 1977. At the age of 9, his parents moved the family back to [...]

Janin Jadotte describes potential collaborations and strategic goals

By | September 30th, 2010|

Janin Jadotte of the Faculté des Sciences of the Université d’État d’Haïti describes areas of potential collaborations between MIT faculty and Haiti's Faculté [...]

Patrick Attié and Marlene Sam describe potential collaborations

By | September 30th, 2010|

Patrick and Marlene were asked "What projects would you like to undertake to help sustain or help initiate and develop through your participation [...]

Patrick Attié Tours Haitian Universities and Describes their Needs

By | September 30th, 2010|

In the video, Patrick Attié shows the destruction at the Faculty des Sciences, Université d'État d'Haïti and at L'Ecole Supérieure d'Infotronique d'Haïti (ESIH) [...]

Jean-Marie Théodat

By | September 30th, 2010|

Born in 1961 in Haiti, Jean-Marie Dulix Théodat was, from a young age, both an avid reader and an avid soccer player. [...]

Annou dekouvri trezò lang kreyòl nou a

By | September 30th, 2010|

Se konsa Jean-Marie Théodat dekri yon pwojè li ta renmen fè an kolaborasyon ak kolèg MIT: "Mwen vle kwè li ta lè li [...]

Discovering the treasures of Haiti’s Kreyòl language

By | September 30th, 2010|

Jean-Marie Théodat describes a potential collaborative project: "I believe it’s time that the network of cultural centers that is administered in Haiti by [...]

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