

About kirky

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So far kirky has created 95 blog entries.

Lyonel Sanon Describes a Project of Interest to the Faculty of Applied Linguistics

Lyonel Sanon describes the details of the joint creation of an e-learning platform for Haitian universities. The Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FLA) would like to work with U.S. universities to create e-learning platforms. Such platforms could be used for the following: Distance learning Online courses and course materials Workshops for the creation of educational technology [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Projects|0 Comments

FOKAL Identifies Potential Projects

FOKAL’s library program aims at assisting partner community libraries all over Haiti with funding and training in order to make them as effective as possible for their respective communities. The training for those libraries aims at strengthening and improving the skills of the libraries' clerks, technicians and directors. Since 2003, a training program was set [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Projects|0 Comments

Michel DeGraff Describes his hopes for MIT and Haiti

MIT Prof. Michel DeGraff describes his hopes for MIT’s involvement in helping to rebuild the educational infrastructure in Haiti. Most Haitians I know have a precise and often tragic story about what they were doing when the earthquake hit on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, at 4:53PM. In my case the story is not [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Highlights, Projects|0 Comments

Professeur Jean-Marie Théodat talks about a Vision and Goals for Reconstruction of Haiti

Professeur Jean-Marie Théodat talks about a vision and goals for reconstruction of Haiti. Videographer: Prof. Michel DeGraff

By | October 3rd, 2010|Featured, Video|0 Comments

Pierre-André Pierre

Pierre-André PIERRE was born in 1952 Arcahaie, Haiti, the oldest of a family of seven children. He first studied in Haiti under “Les Frères de l’Instruction Chretienne” and attended Le College Saint Martial run by “The Holy Ghost Fathers.” He studied Philosophy and Theology in Haiti at the Catholic Mayor Seminary, to be ordained [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Profile|0 Comments

Yves Armand

Yves Armand is the Deputy General Director of NATCOM S.A. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from Université du Québec A Montréal. Mr. Armand has been working at TELECO for six (6) years before it became NATCOM on September 1st, 2010 and will be helping the new Public-Private company (with [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Profile|2 Comments

Nguyen Dang Trien

Nguyen Dang Trien is NATCOM’s newly appointed President and CEO. He has an Engineering degree in Electronic Telecommunication from the University of Technology in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In the last three years, Mr. Trien conducted VIETTEL’s operations in Cambodia. He helped build a new telephone company there from scratch, and after 2 [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Profile|1 Comment

Sergey Gaillard

Sergey W. Gaillard was born in Port-au-Prince Haiti in 1963. He grew up in the capital. At age 19 he worked as a receptionist to pay for his studies in accounting and management. Subsequently, he was hired as a financial specialist at the US Embassy and was quickly promoted to supervisor of the Budget [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Profile|0 Comments

Symposium Information Available for Participants

We have published information about the symposium for invited participants. You should have received an email detailing how to access these protected portions of the website. If you have any questions, please contact Professor Michel DeGraff of MIT at degraff -at- mit -dot- edu.

By | October 3rd, 2010|News|0 Comments

Sergey Gaillard of Educatech Describes Haiti’s Needs for Digital Educational Materials

For the last 2 years, Educatech has provided for its classrooms what we call a "numeric room" that includes interactive boards, projectors, a laptop for the teacher, and twenty-five to thirty Intel Classmate PCs for students. Most schools added a router and an internet connection--although the bandwidth was only 64kbps, but this is what they [...]

By | October 3rd, 2010|Projects|0 Comments