

Thomas Kochan, chair of the MIT faculty writes: "While the devastation in Haiti may have slipped off the front pages, colleagues at MIT continue to help our neighbors address their monumental challenges. Moreover, the Provost has asked Associate Provost Philip Khoury and me to help develop a long-term strategy for [...]

By | September 30th, 2010|News|1 Comment

Shigeru Miyagawa, chair of the MIT OpenCourseWare faculty advisory committee and professor of linguistics, describes how OCW has aided reconstruction in Haiti. "Just one of the stories of OCW use that has moved me recently is that of Jean-Ronel Noel and Alex Georges, entrepreneurs working to bring renewable energy to [...]

By | September 30th, 2010|Highlights, News, Stories|0 Comments

Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti interviewed students about the continuation of their studies after the earthquake. Alain David LESCOUFLAIR, 3ème année, Sciences Informatiques (L3): - How are you re-adjusting to your studies at ESIH? How do you feel to be back in the classes? At first I thought it would [...]

By | September 27th, 2010|Highlights, Stories|0 Comments

MIT is hosting an invitation-only symposium in late October to explore the advantages of OER & ICT in higher education. Participants will identify Haiti's basic needs for OER and ICT and related current projects in Haiti. They will engage in concrete exercises in the use and importance of OER & [...]

By | September 7th, 2010|News, Symposium|1 Comment

A group at MIT has responded to the challenge presented by the destruction of Haitian universities by the earthquake of January 12, 2010. One silver lining in the dark cloud left by this earthquake is the unique opportunity to build in Haiti universities for the future. These future universities will [...]

By | May 19th, 2010|History|0 Comments