Janvye 2013 Atelye
Atelye MIT ap fè sou teknoloji pou metòd aprantisaj aktif ki chita sou resous pedagojik san baryè from 16-19 janvye 2013 en Pòtoprens, [...]
January 2013 Workshops
Kreyòl MIT hosted workshops on technology-enhanced and open education from January 16–19, 2013 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This is the second of a 5-year [...]
An MIT–Haiti Initiative Toward Active Learning for All
MIT Professor of Linguistics Michel DeGraff and Dr. M.S. Vijay Kumar of the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology presented on the MIT-Haiti [...]
Q&A with Michel DeGraff
Kathryn O'Neill of the MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences writes: Recipient of $1m NSF grant for linguistics research, and development [...]
MIT-Haiti team receives funding for Kreyòl-based STEM Cyberlearning
Credit: Brandon MuramatsuMichel DeGraff Michel Degraff, Associate Professor of Linguistics, is pleased to announce that the team from MIT has been successful in [...]
MIT Visit in Le Nouvelliste
The recent workshop hosted by MIT was written about in one of the main Haitian newspapers Le Nouvelliste: Une équipe de sept professeurs [...]
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